Exciting Updates on GayNZ.com! 🎉

  • We're thrilled to announce some fantastic new features on GayNZ.com to enhance your experience and keep you connected with the LGBTQ+ community in New Zealand:

    1. Weekly Digest Email: Stay up-to-date with the latest topics and replies on the message board! Every Friday, we'll send out a recap of the week's discussions straight to your inbox.

    2. Event Guide Email: If you've signed up for our newsletter, you'll receive our Event Guide about upcoming events for the week, including pride festivals and other LGBTQ+ events.

    3. Moderation: Our message board is a safe and inclusive space. Please familiarize yourself with our rules here and report any posts that violate these rules by clicking on the report link under the post.

    4. Events Manager: Organizing an event? You can now add your own events to GayNZ.com! Simply click here to apply and share your event with the community.

    5. Event Section: It's back and better than ever! Our Event Section aims to showcase a diverse range of LGBTQ+ events from across New Zealand.

    We value your feedback and ideas! If you have any suggestions or thoughts on how we can improve further, please reply to this thread or email us at hello@gaynz.com.

    Thank you for being a part of our community, and we can't wait to see you on GayNZ.com!

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